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Neymar – It’s not only about football! Reviewed by Momizat on . It’s hard to imagine that our favorite international football celebrity just celebrated his 24th birthday this February 5th.  In the five short years since winn It’s hard to imagine that our favorite international football celebrity just celebrated his 24th birthday this February 5th.  In the five short years since winn Rating: 0
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Neymar – It’s not only about football!

Neymar – It’s not only about football!

It’s hard to imagine that our favorite international football celebrity just celebrated his 24th birthday this February 5th.  In the five short years since winning the 2011 South American Footballer of the Year award, this young athletic sensation has become the most recognizable and marketable athlete in the world many times over.

Neymar in the Brazilian National Team

Neymar in the Brazilian National Team

We all know and admire Neymar’s achievements on the field, but we have to admit that there’s something more that makes us look up to Neymar and passionately follow his career – something about his personality that makes him relatable, admirable and ultimately, an idol. But what makes Neymar so special?

Social Media Mania

A true member of his generation when it comes to social media. Neymar is indeed very active in social media circles. He holds his fans in thrall with 41.9 million followers on Instagram, where he is the 13th most popular account on the entire site, and the second most popular sport star account. He also has at least 1.5 million likes on several Facebook pages, and over 21 million followers on Twitter. A loyal father and family man, Neymar has a heart as big as his fan base.

But what does that mean for Neymarzetes worldwide?  Technology and social media have gone so far the last few years we tend to forget what the world was like before them.  Thanks to social media, some stars, such as our favorite Brazilian, now sport a direct line of communication with their fans and enjoy sharing their life, interests and hobbies.  Neymar is very active on social media and that has brought us a whole new insight into his life, one that we fans enjoy immensely.

From Field to Felt

Although it’s hard to imagine Neymar having any free time with so much going on, apparently he sometimes does – and when he does, you can find him at the poker table.  Neymar has revealed that he fell in love with poker during the 2014 World Cup, while playing the game to relax between important matches. Like everything else he does in life, Neymar plays poker more for the fun and challenge of playing than to win money or fame.  He can be seen often displaying his winning hands and stacks of chips on Twitter and Instagram.

Neymar playing in a poker tournament

Neymar playing in a poker tournament

It’s hard to miss that happy twinkle in his eye.  He recently joined Team SportStars, online poker room Pokerstars’ team of athletic ambassadors of online poker. He joins the ranks of Christiano Ronaldo and Ronaldo Nazario de Lima in sporting the red Pokerstars spade, as a group of major athletes who share an affinity for the popular card game.

Hair and Makeup Please

Growing up too fast is certainly not one of Neymar’s problems.  Millions mimic his hairstyle every time it changes and he sports a body full of tattoos, including one saying “Life is a Joke.”  Neymar finds it fun to constantly change his outlandish hairstyles and that has become a stand-out quality for his fan base.  While his father may shake his head in disbelief, Neymar shows quite a playful and less than serious side as he sports a blonde Mohawk or the like. It was also with blonde hair that he became the face of Mentos Brazil in a sponsorship deal. In fact, brand sponsorships are 55% of Neymar’s total income, with his long-standing contract with Nike perhaps the most impressive. “Neymar’s hypervenoms” is a stylish series of professional football footwear in impressive, stylish colors that reflect Neymar’s playful, vibrant personality. When you’re this famous, pretty much any style move you make is going to be respected and copied – so why not have fun with your look?

Neymar wearing a suit

Neymar wearing a suit

His tattoos have also become an attention getter.  Covered almost head to two with colorful artwork, Neymar has a story behind every picture.  He has tattooed meaningful phrases such as “boldness and joy” and “everything passes” and important dates like his son’s birth date.  He has his sister’s image in full color on one arm and shares several tattoos with his mother, father and sister cementing his firm belief that family comes first.

Humble Beginnings

Neymar came into this world in 1992 with a soccer ball instead of a silver spoon. He was born about an hour outside San Paulo, Brazil.  His father played soccer for the city’s professional team and, after the birth of Neymar’s sister, moved his family in with his parents in Sao Vicente.  Both of Neymar’s parents are very hard-working and have very strong family values.  Neymar began playing soccer as soon as he could run and played with children twice his age and size by the time he was six.  By age 11, he was playing for Santos FC youth category and was offered a substantial sum to remain with the club until he turned professional in 2009.  From there, his career took off.

Neymar next to his father

Neymar next to his father

Neymar stayed in Brazil for the next few years and has been called the “savior” of the country.  By 2010, he had won the Copa de Brasil (the Brazilian Cup).  Unlike many Brazilian players who immediately move to the European market once success hits, Neymar felt compelled to stay in Brazil, live in his culture, and appreciate his roots.  He is the only Brazilian athlete to have ever made the cover of Time magazine.  In fact, the only other Brazilians ever featured on that cover were all politicians.  He was also listed as one of Forbes “30 under 30” best sports figures in the world in 2015.

Family and Passion

From the very beginning, when Neymar’s talents began to emerge, he trusted in his parents’ guidance for his best interests.  His father is and always has been his primary agent, manager, coach and friend.  What makes Neymar so compelling is that he is not in it for the money.  Neymar truly loves the game, as his father did before him.  He not only plays with fierce competition to win, he also actually “plays” the game, dancing with the ball to the delight of fans as he guides it down the field.

Neymar and Messi holding their sons

Neymar and Messi holding their sons

He continues to be a family first man. His love and devotion to his parents, sister and now his young son continue to enthrall the hearts of fans worldwide.

Neymar also often expresses his love for love pop music, especially that of his native Brazil, a style called música sertaneja. A video of him dancing to Michel Teló’s Ai Se Eu Te Pego went viral on YouTube in 2011. Perhaps it was this tie-in that made him accept to star in an ad for popular headphones Beats by Dre. It’s a five-minute video that has managed to get more than thirty million views so far.

Changing the World

It wouldn’t be unusual for an athlete as young and successful as Neymar is to become completely egocentric and a playboy, but somehow Neymar has never become “that guy.” Instead, he has been an outspoken and active supporter of causes he believes in.  Despite his youthful age, Neymar has spoken out for breast cancer awareness and the necessity of preventative exams and support and care for women with this disease. Additionally, He has fully supported organizations for the country of Brazil, including one that is determined to bring clean water filtration to the poorest areas of his home country.

Neymar clean water campaign

Neymar clean water campaign


Needless to say, even with such a full life at age 24, Neymar shows no signs of slowing down.  On the field, online or at the felt table, this young man is having the time of his life.

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